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Mondays 6 pm Tuesdays 11 am
We love to walk this trail where October pours its gold over it near sunset. The radiance of the sun makes our shortened daylight brilliant to behold. It is of course harvest time where we are, a time for readying ourselves to go inside, to savor the fruits of the seeds we’ve planted and nurtured […]
A stand of black-eyed Susans is full of sunshine and even though it’s a reminder that summer’s ending for this year here, the blossoms leave this beautiful season with a smile. September begins with the order of back-to-school and restored daily routine. With that, we come inside and embrace the next season with renewed resolve […]
One day not long ago, I was invited to a friend’s house to meet her Reiki mentor, Murray. Murray was visiting from Missouri. The whole time we were chatting at my friend’s table, my hands felt vibration, my heart area felt heat. I knew there was something special there.My friend was generous with her guest mentor. I […]
“Because being born a human being gives you the ability to do so much for your karma (both good and bad) it is seen as a precious opportunity to help your fellow man and possibly even attain enlightenment. The story goes, imagine there is a turtle adrift at sea that only surfaces every 1000 years. Now imagine there is […]
On March 9th, The Place at Center hosted the CNY branch of American Penwomen for a 4 hour yoga retreat. We began with a centering/meditation, followed by energization exercises and gentle stretching. We focused on gently opening the second chakra (energy center)– the seat of our creativity. We used color-orange blankets, some orange clothing, carnelian […]
“Why should we leave our shoes at the door?” you ask. Removing shoes upon entering a home or sacred space is an ancient custom practiced throughout the world. It is customary in Asian and Scandinavian countries and in Hawaii to remove your shoes upon entering someone’s home. It keeps the dirt of the outside world out […]
Going upside down or into an inverted yoga pose may take a bit of courage, BUT the rewards are enormous!!! “What’s in it for me,” you ask? Well, rejuvenation for one, revitalization for two–and a whole lot more! There are several inverted asanas (poses.) Some of the most popular are Vipiritikarani (legs up the wall,) […]
During yoga teacher training, I was going deeper and deeper in my meditations. I felt I needed a mentor to help me understand what I was experiencing. I asked my teacher for a recommendation for who I might go to for help. He said he would think about it. The next time, we were […]
Long before television found Dr. Oz, he was performing heart transplants and practicing yoga. We first learned of Dr Oz after a young friend of ours was rushed from a university in upstate NY to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. His heart was failing. He would need a transplant. We visited our friend […]